Google Ads Garbage Heap

Is Google Ads Wasting Millions of Small Business Ad Spend Dollars?

Is Google Ads squandering millions of dollars by stealing from unaware business owners worldwide with a single revision of its platform? Did you know that Google Ads recently began limiting the display placements that can be excluded? Placement exclusions protect you from low-quality ad placements outside your targeted locations. There has never been a limit until just a couple of …

Google Ads Knowledge Portal

Become a Google Ads Expert Overnight

I M A G I N E … a knowledge portal so vast that you could become an expert overnight. Unlock the secrets to Google Ads PPC for FREE! For a limited time, we are giving the Optimizer Handbook away for free. Not only is this the training manual for Starling Support but many agencies are now using it to train their staff …

The Decline of Google Ads Support: A Frustrating Reality

The Decline of Google Ads Support: A Frustrating Reality

In the fast-paced world of digital advertising, every second counts. As businesses race to grab the attention of online audiences, one tool has become indispensable: Google Ads. It’s a powerful platform that can drive traffic, leads, and revenue when used correctly. However, there’s a growing problem that’s been plaguing Google Ads users – the decline of Google Ads support. The …